Special educational needs

Special educational needs SEND IEP template/Pupil Learning Passport
The file included is an updated/new IEP template which is renamed ‘Pupil Learning Passport’. It is used successfully in conjunction with face-to-face parental meetings once per term. We allocated 20-25 minutes each for the Autumn term parental meetings and 10-15 minutes each for the Spring and Summer term meetings, although longer may be needed depending on the nature of the outcomes, progress made as well as the individual circumstances surrounding the pupil .
Pupil Learning Passports (PLPs) can be used for SEND, LAC and disadvantaged pupils.
What does it do?
Outlines personal details and SEND category/categories
Links to SEND ranges
Outlines the pupil’s strengths, achievements and interests ( pupil discussions are held once a year prior to the first parental meeting).
Outlines external agencies involved
Outlines background information (status, medical and external agencies)
Incorporates pupil voice - ‘barriers to learning’ and ‘I learn best when’
States outcomes and learning targets (Autumn, Spring and Summer)
Outlines provision (intervention, resources, strategies and what I can do at home to help
Tracks attainment and progress data
Reviews outcomes
Incorporates parent views
Includes details of transition
Why is it more effective?
One document that is updated each term for one year and the follows the pupil into future year groups
One document that tracks pupil progress for their whole school career from Reception to Y6, or whenever they join your school
In-line with the SEND Code of Practice 2015, incorporating parent and pupil voice and views
Sections are written in conjunction with the pupil
It combines IEPs and Pupil Passports removing the need for two separate documents
Links directly to SEND Provision Map
Saves teachers time having ‘tick box’ options in various sections
All relevant information needed for referrals is in one place
All relevant information in one place to ensure all staff involved with the child is aware of provision, needs, resources and strategies
Acts as a transition document (class to class/teacher to teacher, across Key stages and to new schools)
Overall, it replaces a lot of singular documents and creates one meaningful and multi-purpose document for SEND pupils.